In the expansive realms of Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, adventurers are beckoned to explore new and mysterious locales, among them the enigmatic Castle Ensis. Situated near the Ellac Greatbridge, this imposing fortress stands as a testament to ancient grandeur, shrouded in secrets and guarded by formidable obstacles. For those seeking passage into its formidable walls, this guide offers indispensable insight into accessing and navigating Castle Ensis.
The Path to Castle Ensis
Located across the Ellac Greatbridge near the Three-Path Cross Site of Grace, Castle Ensis presents itself as a daunting challenge from the outset. Upon arriving at its gates, however, adventurers will discover a formidable barrier—a closed gate barring entry to the castle’s inner sanctum. Fear not, for with perseverance and strategy, Castle Ensis can be breached.
Opening the Castle Gate
Begin your journey from the Castle Front Site of Grace, progressing through the perilous terrain until you reach the Castle Ensis Checkpoint Site of Grace. Here begins the crucial phase of opening the castle gate, which is controlled by a hidden mechanism within its walls.
Facing the imposing castle gate, pivot to your right and descend down a cliffside, where minor adversaries await—a brief skirmish to test your mettle. Press forward, dropping through a hole in the floor where a pack of wolves may challenge your advance. Dispatch these creatures or press onward, hugging the left wall and hopping on the rocks to get up into the watery area.
Navigate past lurking turtles and ascend a ladder positioned to your left. Upon reaching the top, positioning yourself to proceed through a doorway straight ahead. Traverse the corridor beyond, keeping the castle gate now to your right, until you encounter a lever mechanism. This pivotal device controls the gate’s operation, requiring a decisive twist to grant access to Castle Ensis.
Opening Castle Ensis Gate Video Walkthrough
For visual learners, a comprehensive video walkthrough detailing each step of the journey to open the Castle Ensis gate provides additional clarity and guidance. This resource complements textual instructions, offering a visual aid to reinforce understanding and assist in overcoming any challenges encountered along the way.
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